For non-traditional bank accounts, such as money markets, credit lines, and others, we encourage you to check with your banking institution to see how these should be processed. You will need to know if it is a checking or savings account. If you wish to pay by E-check from your own checking or savings account, you will need your banking information, including bank name, location, account number, and ABA Routing number.

Returned Deposited Item fees and policies apply to any returned items for any reason (this includes un-locatable accounts). We hope offering another online payment method without a fee is a benefit to our students. We are offering this online payment option at NO FEE to the student or user (unless returned). This can be done online through MyKU, by logging in, choosing the Student Center, Finances area, then clicking Make a Payment. This is a debit from your checking or savings account. Kutztown University accepts E-check payments for tuition account expenses only. We can no longer accept those payments in our office. If your account is at the Attorney General's Office for collections OR at General Revenue Corporation for collections, your payments MUST be made directly to them.There is no processing fee for this method of payment and it must be done through MyKU only - if returned for any reason - you will be assessed a Returned Deposited Item fee (enter #'s carefully).

This is for security reasons we apologize for the inconvenience. Credit cards CANNOT be accepted over the phone or over the counter in our office they can only be processed through MyKU.This fee is NOT retained by Kutztown University and is non-refundable. NOTE: ALL credit card charges for tuition, housing, and mandatory fees are assessed a 2.75% processing fee.Credit card payments must be made via MyKU - students can access with their ID and Pin # - questions regarding this Pin # can be directed to the IT Help Center at 61.By credit card: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, or Discover.By mail: check, money order, or cashier's check.